Information and news on IT for healthcare and mHealth"

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![]() ![]() December 31, 2012 In April, the Department of Health and Human Services reached a $100,000 HIPAA settlement with Phoenix Cardiac Surgery, after the small physician practice had managed clinical and surgical appointments, between 2007 and 2009, using an Internet-based calendar that also happened to be publicly-available. The Internet being the most ubiquitous form of cloud computing, an Austin, Texas-based advocacy group called Patient Privacy Rights is pointing to the Phoenix Cardiac Surgery HIPAA violation as an example of why HHS should regulate, or at least guide, cloud use in healthcare. In a letter to the HHS Office for Civil Rights, Patient Privacy Rights founder and chair Deborah Peel, MD, urged the agency to create cloud-computing guidelines around the issues of secure infrastructure, security standards and business associate agreements. “Issuing guidance to strengthen and clarify cloud-based protections for data security and privacy will help assure patients ...
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![]() ![]() BALTIMORE | December 31, 2012 - The Institute for Computational Medicine targets personalized care source: "Disease is too complex to just think your way through it," says Raimond Winslow, director of The Institute for Computational Medicine at Johns Hopkins. "We can no longer work with what I call purely mental models of how biological systems function in either health or disease." Thankfully, we have technology to lend a hand. The burgeoning and highly complex field of computational medicine is showing promise for the treatment of illnesses such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer and more, as technology and troves of data are harnessed to investigate the underpinnings and map the progression of diseases. Technological advancements have precipitated a significant leap forward for the discipline over the past decade or so, but it still has a long way to go before realizing its true potential. "Computational medicine is a discipline...
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![]() ![]() 21/11/2012 - Source: - Language: italian Lo rivela un’indagine Startupbootcamp/AxiCom secondo cui nella lotta per accaparrarsi risorse limitate, l’Health Tech è preferita a Cloud e Big Data dalla community di investitori. Un’indagine condotta dall’acceleratore tecnologico paneuropeo Startupbootcamp in collaborazione conAxiCom ha svelato come la crescita nel numero di start-up tecnologiche con focus healthcare rappresenterà uno dei trend principali nei prossimi 5 anni. Il sondaggio condotto su 115 tra imprenditori, mentori e investitori ha confermato che all’ombra dei noti trend sulle soluzioni big data e cloud computing, la tecnologia healthcare sta acquisendo sempre più importanza. L’indagine - condotta tra luglio e agosto 2012 – era articolata in due parti: la prima focalizzata sull’ecosistema economico per le startup, la seconda ha invece esaminato gli andamenti futuri chiedendo ai partecipanti una previsione sui tre ...
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![]() ![]() (Italian version) from: IMAGE SI e’ un sistema informativo che permette la Digitalizzazione di Immagini nelle Sale Operatorie che consente di digitalizzare, processare, trasmettere ed archiviare i segnali video e audio, prodotti all’interno della sala operatoria. Il sistema permette: - L’acquisizione dei dati del paziente o dell’intervento dal sistema informativo ospedaliero (HIS) - La ricerca immagini dal sistema RIS-PACS - L’impostazione e attivazione telecamere ambientali - L’impostazione sui monitor delle immagini da visualizzare - L’attivazione della registrazione - La Connessione con il sistema di videoconferenza - Refertazione e Videoediting - La trasmissione referti e immagini al sistema informativo ospedaliero (HIS) ed al PACS Vantaggi: - Fornisce al chirurgo la possibilità di vedere sullo stesso monitor in contemporanea immagini di esami strumentali (eseguiti in tempo reale intraoperatoriamente o registrati in precedenza)...
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![]() ![]() December 11, 2012 -- By Elyse Rossler At the mHealth Summit last week, in Washington DC, we had the opportunity in a break-out session to hear Brian Gardner, Executive Director of the Mobility Center of Excellence of Kaiser Permanente. The KP mantra is “Your health happens anywhere.” So by innovating mobile communication with its Members and employees, Kaiser Permanente is able to help manage their health, beyond the walls of their hospitals and clinics. They have proven that communicating to their Members within the mobile channel not only personalizes their relationship with them, but also it improves their health. Their mobile channel reach is expending to include virtual mobile in their Member’s home. Brian stressed the User Experience, and how important it is for the Member to have access and immediacy to their healthcare solutions. KP sees the future of mHealth in the Personalized Digital Health space via mobile . With digital connected care Me... |