December 11, 2012 -- By Elyse Rossler
At the mHealth Summit last week, in Washington DC, we had the opportunity in a break-out session to hear Brian Gardner, Executive Director of the Mobility Center of Excellence of Kaiser Permanente. The KP mantra is “Your health happens anywhere.” So by innovating mobile communication with its Members and employees, Kaiser Permanente is able to help manage their health, beyond the walls of their hospitals and clinics. They have proven that communicating to their Members within the mobile channel not only personalizes their relationship with them, but also it improves their health.
Their mobile channel reach is expending to include virtual mobile in their Member’s home. Brian stressed the User Experience, and how important it is for the Member to have access and immediacy to their healthcare solutions. KP sees the future of mHealth in the Personalized Digital Health space via mobile . With digital connected care Members have the ability to monitor their own health.
Kaiser Permanente‘s goal is to enrich the Member experience, by allowing the Member to set their preferences for contact in a personalized and optimized fashion. Brian was sharing how there is now a “new normal” happening in our world today. He shared that personally he has not set foot into his bank for the past year. All his banking needs are transacted via the web or his mobile device. This is a new normal for banking transactions. The same can be said for the healthcare space. When polled, he stated that 90% of consumers desire to use digital technology to manage their health. Addressing this high need, Kaiser Permanente launched 3 consumer based apps in 2012 addressing exercise, competition in a team environment, and diet/nutrition. They are wrapping up 3 more apps by years end for the Kaiser Member, addressing preventative care.
Being innovators in the healthcare space is just one of many areas in which Kaiser Permanente excels.
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